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The armbands for this season will make known different Aragonese initiatives

We are searching for Aragonese Initiatives or Aragonese Inventions to make them and their historic achievements known all around the country

This campaign SD Huesca will keep this popular nod of the previous seasons – the Azulgranas captain will play the away games with a unique armband tailored for the occasion to build bridges between the different Spanish provinces.

Following the concept proposed for our season ticket holders’ campaign, we have made a pun with the initials AI, launching this initiative that will start next Monday at El Sardinero, after using our armband for an initiative against racism in LaLiga.

Some days before each away encounter the design of the armband will be revealed, starting matchday 3 this week. The design of the first armband of the season is dedicated to the doctor Fidel Pages Mirave (Huesca, 1886), who invented the epidural anesthesia. It depicts the scheme he made to explain how to apply it. The modernist decoration is inspired by the cover of the article where this discovery was published.