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La SD Huesca and Japan continue to create closer links

A group of young Japanese participants in a new international sports program by the SDH Academy, in collaboration with the Wakatake Group

Following the tour in Japan alongside the Wakatake Group, the SDH Academy has begun to host the first players who participated in the ‘clinics’ held in the Japanese country and have decided to come and get to know SD Huesca.

10 players, aged between 8 and 13, are taking part in a new international sports program at the Base Aragonesa de Futbol (BAF), the main headquarters of the SDH Academy. Over the next few months, they will engage in sports activities focused on technical training as well as on integration into the youth academy’s training, together with training with partner clubs. Besides, all of that will include school tasks, Spanish lessons, and cultural and recreational activities, such as guided tours in the city of Huesca and the province. Accommodated in the residence of the Aragonese Football Base, and living with the rest of the boys and girls from the Azulgranas’ academy, this program offers them an outstanding sports and social experience. Therefore, this is how the SDH Academy, in collaboration with Wakatake Group, continues with the international sports program that brings young Japanese boys closer not only to football but also to Spanish and Altoaragonese culture.

“This year, 14 players from Wakatake will come, with stays ranging from one month to a full school year,” explains Mr Juanjo Camacho, responsible for the SDH Academy. ”Wakatake Group is one of the most important partners of the academy, and we hope to continue growing in this direction.”