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Antonio Hidalgo: "I know that this team is going to leave everything on the field"

The coach highlights the commitment of his team during a ‘normal’ workweek but with ‘greater significance’, as they face a direct rival

Antonio Hidalgo has full confidence in his men, and the Azulgranas’ coach says so in every press conference. “I am optimistic about my team – they’re my people. I have been with them for three months, and I feel that I can go to war with all of them, that they will give everything for me, and I will give everything for them. I feel them close with a sense of work, belonging, and fighting spirit,” he said before the match against Villarreal B.

And he added: “My job is to get the best out of them. In that sense, I am fully convinced of what I do. We have a lot of strength; we know we will suffer, and we are prepared for that. We know we have a difficult challenge, but I trust in the group’s strength, that they will go to the limit, and we are able to compete against anyone.”

The coach considers that nothing is final at this point of the competition, but he does qualify matches against teams in the relegation fight as “very important.” The first one will take place this Sunday against Villarreal B, a highly challenging clash like any other in this category, but extremely relevant to climb out of the drop zone again: These matches against direct rivals are more significant than the previous ones. It’s true that there’s a long way to go, and the first thing is to focus on this one.”

Regarding the opponent, he said: “They do things well and have got talented players. We have to remain together and solid off the ball and, from there, hurt them on the ball. I expect an even match but with necessity, as usual in the category."