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Agreement between SD Huesca and FC Basara

Huesca and Japan continue to strengthen bonds. This time, through this agreement, which allows to set up a number of sports projects

Huesca and Japan keep on strengthening bonds, as an agreement between SD Huesca and FC Basara Hyogo was signed last weekend. This connection does not only allow to launch several sports projects but it also provides an opportunity for Japanese players to come into contact with the SD Huesca Youth team and to learn about our methodology. Besides, FC Basara will function as a vehicle for connecting and promoting SD Huesca in Japan on a sports, business and political level. The agreement among Mr Oka Ryouchi (CEO of FC Basara), Manuel Torres, (President of SD Huesca), and José Luis Ortas, (our CEO) took place at El Alcoraz.

The agreement has been based on several pillars. On the one hand, the SDH Academy Japan, which was already announced, is an initiative that enables young Japanese kids to be involved in a sports programme balancing their football commitments with their education and some cultural activities, and helping them live a unique experience in the province of Huesca and the Pyrenees. The first group of Japanese players will arrive in the city of Huesca the 28 March. They will stay at the Base Aragonesa de Fútbol (our football school facilities), where they will have the chance to train and to feel integrated into the football structure of SD Huesca Youth team.

On the other hand, this agreement provides for the possibility of creating the FC Basara – SD Huesca team, a very young side that would blend certain prelisted Japanese players and some young footballers from the province of Huesca together so that they could join the SD Huesca second team eventually.

Finally, FC Basara will contribute to the creation of synergies between Huesca and Hyogo, bringing their business connections closer to promote twinning projects in both regions, as well as to introduce Spanish companies to the Japanese market and vice-versa.

Tomosports, a Spanish firm with broad international experience in sports projects between Japan and Spain, will liaise between the two clubs.